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 English for Speakers of Other Languages

At Gulf Harbour School we are proud of the cultural diversity of our school community. Families from all over the world join us and we do everything we can to support the children that come to our classrooms with no or little English. Please, note that not only beginners of English join the programme. Some of our ESOL children need help with their reading and writing, although their oral English is quite good and the programme supports them in these weaker areas.
If you are enrolling your child and you know or assume that the student needs language support, please let us know. Dagmar Goodall, the ESOL teacher, will meet your child and decide which ESOL group he or she will go to and if your child is eligible for funding.
​ The ESOL students are taken once or twice per week out of their class programme to join the English programme for speakers of other languages that we run at our school. They are grouped according to their age and ability of speaking English.

Dagmar, our ESOL teacher, is from Germany and knows that coming to a new country has its ups and downs. We want to make you feel welcome and secure in the knowledge that your children are cared for. Please, come to the parent meetings or ask Dagmar for help when you feel that you need a friendly face:


Contact Us


Tel: 09 428 0202

General Enquiries Email:

International Student Enquiries email:

Gulf Harbour School
65 Alec Craig Way 
Gulf Harbour
Auckland 0930

© Copyright by Gulf Harbour School. 

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